Activity Updates

By Sharon Coyle

March 2, 2016

There's been so much going on since you visited here last year.  My team and numerous volunteers have been working diligently since April to get RHA up to snuff.  Over 5 tons of pure trash has been removed from the buildings, outside trees and shrubs have been removed (no more scraping of trees against the windows interfering with EVPs) and many rooms have been "dressed" to reflect their original use.  For instance, the industrial kitchen, the Barber Shop, the Chapel, and the card playing room - all in the east wing, have been set up as closely as possible to resemble photographs found of these rooms. Other rooms in "dressed" include the shock therapy room, exam room, and a nursery in the west wing.  Though a few rooms are not authentic, staging them has increased both the activity in the rooms and the likelihood that investigators actually go in and enjoy/investigate the spaces.  Some of the rooms, along with evidence, may be view via the website and The Official Rolling Hills Asylum Facebook Page (look at past posting by RHA & Fans as well as under the Tabs).
As previously mentioned, newly confirmed spaces include: the Barbershop, Card Playing Room, Chapel, and the Morgue.  Yes. the Morgue. The space formerly thought to be the morgue was identified incorrectly. The room though to be the bakery (with the coolers) has been confirmed to be the actual morgue!
Full body apparitions, the "screaming lady", white misty apparitions, door slamming, foot stems, disembodied voices, and more are occurring on a regular basis, night AND day!
Activity seems as though it continuously is amping up.  The regulars such as Nurse Emmie (west wing 3rd floor), George Flemming (organ room west wing 3rd floor) , Raymond (basement, furnace room, west wing) and Roy (shadow people hall 2nd floor east wing and throughout the buildings) are very active, visually and/or vocally. Newly "discovered" spirits include Queenie (laundry room - past tunnel),Rose (chapel, east wing), Elizabeth (chapel east wing and with Roy), Richard, Robert, and Jack (throughout facility) have been very
Our new group gathering room, known as the "Green Room" (formerly "the Foundation or Society Room) is on the 1st floor of the west wing and is heated, normally between 40 & 50 degrees depending on the outside air/weather. Complimentary hot coffee & hot tea is always available.  Water, Soda/Pop. Hot Cocoa is $1.00, chips, cookies. beef jerky, cheese spread, Cup O'Noodles, Oat Meal, and other items are available for various prices, most about $1.00 - up to $3.00.  Batteries, Flashlights, Glow Sticks, Laser Pointers, Books, DVDs, T-shirts, sweatshirts, are available too.  All items are CASH ONLY.


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  • Mar 30 March 30, 2025- 3 Hr Psych Hold Ghost Hunt - $49p
    March 30, 2025- 3 Hr Psych Hold Ghost Hunt - 4p-7p - $49p Includes tips on How to Investigate, learn about the history and haunting of the Asylum and more! Ages 14-17 with a school ID when accompanied by a parent. Ages 18+ with valid ID only - General Admission Arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled time. NO LATE ENTRY. Ticket is good only for specific date and time printed on the ticket. No switching of dates or times. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO REFUNDS.We will not admit anyone suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol and strictly enforce this zero (that means even a single alcoholic beverage) tolerance policy. Management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone for any reason. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO REFUNDS. For complete Rules & Regulations - use this link- /get-started/rules-and-faq For ideas on What to Bring - use this link - /get-started/what-to-bring Every TICKET HOLDER must complete their own registration form via this link - to include own phone & email - /surveys/registration-form
  • Apr 2 April 2, 2025 - Winter Quarantined Hunt -$399+tx
    April 2, 2025 - Winter Quarantined Hunt - 7p-10:30p -$399+tx A PRIVATE hunt for you and your own group of friends - minimum 2 people and a maximum of 10ppl for $399+tax - same price for a party of 2 as for a party of ten - you are paying for the privilege of being the exclusive group in the building. Additional people over the maximum number of 10 may be added at a pro-rated fee of $39.00+tax per person. RHA does not loan or rent equipment however we do offer equipment for purchase - see website for examples or contact RHA directly if you are looking for something specific as inventory is constantly changing. We also sell clothing, logo items, metaphysical items, prepackaged snacks, water, soft drinks, etc. Portajohns only. No outside food or beverages allowed.The building is at least 10-15 degrees colder than outside temperatures. Dress warmly, in layers, don't forget your feet! Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled time. NO LATE ENTRY. Ticket is good only for specific date and time printed on the ticket. No switching of dates or times. We will not admit anyone suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol and strictly enforce this zero tolerance policy. Management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone for any reason. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO REFUNDS. For Rules & Regulations - /get-started/rules-and-faq For ideas on What to Bring - /get-started/what-to-bring
  • Apr 4 April 4, 2025 - MidWeek Daytime Quarantined Hunt - BOOKED!
    BOOKED! April 4, 2025 -MidWk Quarantined Hunt -$500+tx 12pm to 4pm - A PRIVATE DAYTIME hunt for you and your own group of friends - minimum 2 people and a maximum of 10ppl for $500+tax - same price for a party of 2 as for a party of ten - you are paying for the privilege of being the exclusive group in the building. Additional people over the maximum number of 10 may be added at a pro-rated fee of $50.00+tax per person. RHA does not loan or rent equipment however we do offer equipment for purchase - see website for examples or contact RHA directly if you are looking for something specific as inventory is constantly changing. We also sell clothing, logo items, metaphysical items, prepackaged snacks, water, soft drinks, etc. Portajohns only. No outside food or beverages allowed.The building is at least 10-15 degrees colder than outside temperatures. Dress warmly, in layers, don't forget your feet! Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled time. NO LATE ENTRY. Ticket is good only for specific date and time printed on the ticket. No switching of dates or times. We will not admit anyone suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol and strictly enforce this zero tolerance policy. Management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone for any reason. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO REFUNDS. For Rules & Regulations - /get-started/rules-and-faq For ideas on What to Bring - /get-started/what-to-bring